The yr 5 production!
Yr 5 production!
The production was a big success!! Everyone was amazing and everyone had a terrific time! I was one the 6 brides, I was the bride of Victoria, I had 3 bridesmaids Matilda, Dillion and Will.
One of the many highlights for was getting to do it with all my friends! I liked that it was a funny play too! The humour made it better. And I think I also learnt a lot about acting and I’m looking forward to doing another play again soon. Another big highlight was watching the tea ladies at the start, when they handed out their cups of tea and sandwiches! And their funny talk with the audience!
A challenge for me was getting into character, it was a little bit hard at first to be all posh and stuff, but then once I got the hang of it, it became a lot easier. Another challenge for everyone was getting the cricket scene perfect we practiced that one over and over again until we go it right, I think it was one of the best scenes of the play!
What I learnt
I learnt that I actually like acting. I had a pretty good time on stage and every time we did it I got more and more confident. I also learnt about acting, like facial expressions, gestures, how to project my voice and the different tones of voice for different situations.
Special Thanks
A massive thank you goes to miss Quodling! She as the producer and did an amazing job of getting everyone ready and helping us rehearse. Another it thank you goes to Emma Ingles, she helped us with our acting and getting into character. And last but not least…. Graham! He put out all the sand, (and cleaned it up too)and he helped carry all the props.